Tuesday, August 23, 2011


This is us in a nut shell, Emma being a pterodactyl, and me being... well me
So since I did a post about my British Mate, I thought it would be fun to do posts about some of my closest friends, once a week there'll be a new post about my friends. So without further ado, here is my Twinsie! Check out her makeup blog here!

Name: Emma
Age: 18
Location: Beaverton, but soon way too far away from me in Gresham
Friends Since: 8th grade!
Best Memory: Hmmmmm... I'll have to go with our Pre-Prom "photo shoot"
The only normal picture we took during this haha.
I've known Emma for years and every time we hang out I laugh until my abs hurt and I can't breathe! We have so much fun. whether it's walking in the middle of the street at 11 pm or watching movies and quoting them every chance we get. There's never a dull moment with us.

Prime examples:
We were obsessed with this little tree,
we took like three picture with it that day  haha
We're so cute.... Or at least we tell ourselves that to make us feel better haha
One of our better Pre-Prom pics :)

Bad pictures since Freshman year, 2008
Last day of Freshman year, we went to Target. Yes we're so cool

And we still took bad pictures Senior Year... 2010
First football game of the year
Our "cute" picture, we were pretending to be prissy brats, did we succeed?

We have so many memories together, but I think what stands out most to me is our conversations. They're random, insane, hilarious, confusing, usually about absolutely nothing, majorly out of control, and if anyone read/overheard our conversations we'd either be arrested or institutionalized. I LOVE them! Here's a taste of last nights convo.

ME: Why do I love some commercials more than I love actual shows? Haha
HER: Haha I have a select few that I feel that way about! Haha

ME: I love so many of them, and then others I'm just like "Wow cool waste my 30 seconds or so. A-Holes" Haha
HER: Haha omg I know. That is why I avoid blogs for the most part haha

ME: What? Haha I was talking about commercials......
HER: Oh... Haha Oops. I forgot haha but soooo true!

ME: Hahaha good job!
HER: Thanks haha. But you know how I am haha
ME: Haha true after you said that I cracked up.

Some of our conversations are even more random that that, and others are INSANE (later we talked about shaving our heads and having ugly head shapes.....), once we plotted to "kidnap" two guys with her grandparents creepy rapist van (see? Arrested or institutionalized) now that convo was HYSTERICAL!

Even though I'm going to be in south in Ashland, and she's going to be north in Gresham, I hope we can stay close friends. She's one of the people I go to when I want to be insane and wild and loud and out of control. She's been my best friend since I met her and I hope to keep it that way for a LONG time.

She's such a good friend that she made me a veggie burger
 before my Hairspray performance!
We've had our ups and down, like all dynamic duos, but I will always love my Twinsie! :)

♥ E

Photo credit: My phone or camera

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww!!! Talk about adorable!! :) I <3 it! :)


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