Monday, March 21, 2016

Finals week sucked

I keep meaning to post here but every time I go to I either: forget what I want to talk about, lose the energy to actually type out my thoughts, lose all motivation to blog.
Last week was fucking awful (excuse my language). 
- Finals
- Drama (because males like to assume things and not use their brains)
- Loneliness
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Procrastination
- Overall hatred for everything in my life

Let's just pretend last week didn't happen though.

This week (even though it's only Monday) has been decent.
It's spring break, which means no nannying and no classes to attend. I picked up two extra shifts at work ad my work bestie might give me a sixth shift. I get to see Allegiant tomorrow night with my work bestie and her friend. I get to babysit some of my favorite kids Wednesday and Thursday. I get to hang out with guy on Thursday. I'm finally decorating my room. Overall this week is already better than last.

Seeing as my last term of college starts next week I'll try to blog more. I think that overall my schedule is pretty chill. I'll probably blog again later this week but for now, stay classy San Diego.

♥  E

Thursday, February 25, 2016

I'm baaaaaaaack!

I guess I've accidentally taken a 3 year hiatus from this blog... Oops. However I am back and this time I am actually trying to stick to the whole blog thing! I know, I know, I've said that before, but I really mean it this time. With almost being done with college I need some place to vent about feelings and fears and excited and all of that! Can you guys believe that I am finally graduating from college? I started this blog back in 2011 right before I started college and look at me now!
Things have been pretty crazy in the last 5 years, hell even the last three years have been crazy. I guess I'll have to do a post to kinda catch you up.
This post is just a welcome back to the blog post! I'm pretty excited to back into blogging, there are a few new changes that I want to keep track of. Another plus is that blogs are virtual scrapbooks! The other day I was looking at my old travel blog from my trip to Michigan and it was like I was there again, it was really cool. Anyway I'm gonna keep this post short, but I hope that you all have a had a great week, a wonderful weekend, and I'll see you guys next week!
♥  E
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