Monday, September 23, 2013

A Few of My Favorite Things: Fall 2013

As yesterday was the first day of fall I saw it fitting to make another favorite things post . I did one just like it two years ago (you can find it here) and since I have so many favorite things about this season I thought I'd do another one.


Anything pumpkin flavored, I wait for fall so that pumpkin will be in season. I have no idea why but I LOVE pumpkin. Pumpkin pie, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin bagels, and my favorite pumpkin ice cream. This is my number one favorite part of fall.


Rain boots, something about putting on a cute pair of rain boots makes me feel like a kid again. Without fail every single time I put a pair on I have to jump in at least one puddle.


The chill in the air, okay this one is a bit strange I realize as I am literally always cold, but you know when you go outside and it's just crisp and chilly? For some reason I love that.


The fashion, with a few changes you can wear your summer clothes all year long, but there are also a few staple items to add to your fall wardrobe.


Layering, the way it looks and the way it keeps me warm. I usually don't like wearing a lot of clothing but if it's cold enough out I am more than willing.


The colors, not just of the leaves but the fashion colors as well. My favorite this season is this berry wine color, I am in LOVE with it.


Crap weather, this one is also a bit odd, but I like when the weather is bad because when this happens everyone stays inside and reads or watches a movie and drinks hot cocoa or coffee and I just really like that quality time.


Halloween, I know this one was on 2011's list but it stands as my second favorite holiday. It's also my best friends birthday so we always get a double celebration going. I love decorating for Halloween, and picking out a costume and making plans to celebrate with friends.

Let me know a few of your favorite things about fall in the comments below!
♥  E

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

100 Things That Make Me Happy: Part II

With any luck you saw my first post (if not you can find it here). Basically I've started a series where I list 100 things that make me happy, because it's very easy to be sad or distraught in life so a little happiness here and there is never a bad thing!

11. Freshly painted nails

12. Getting new music

13. Netflix

14. That feeling after a long run

15. The smell of a candle after you blow it out

16. Pay day

17. Children's laughter 

18. Watching YouTube videos

19. Trips to the beach

20. My puppy (or any dog for that matter)

Hopefully you enjoyed this weeks 100 things, and maybe even some of them bring you happiness. Leave a comment telling me somethings that make you happy!
Until next,
♥  E

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

100 Things That Make Me Happy: Part I

I got this lovely idea for the 100 things that make me happy series from a lovely little blog called Sofia's Journal, and thought that it would be a good idea for two reasons 1) it'll be a reminder of happiness when I'm feeling low and 2) maybe it'll inspire you to make a list of things that make you happy. This is the first in the series of 10 and of course this list in in no particular order at all. Enjoy :)

1. Anything related to Lucille Ball

2. Coffee first thing in the morning

3. Reading a great book

4. Going to bed after a long day

5. The smell of fresh cut grass on a summer day

6. Getting all dressed up for a special occasion

7. Hard earned money

8. My best friend
sorry for the bad quality picture

9. Taking a solo drive

10. Wrapping up in a ton of comforters in the winter

Come back soon for the second part :) 
♥  E

photo credit: WeHeartIt, except best friend picture

Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Few of My Favorite Things: Summer

Since summer is slowly coming to an end [thank God, I can't wait to get back to Ashland], I thought I would share a few of my favorite things; summer 2013 edition:


The weather, living in Oregon is great because it's beautiful. The downside is the amount of rain that comes with living in Oregon, so when summer rolls around the clouds disappear and the sun comes out to play. I am in LOVE with the heat, mostly because I am literally always cold [I shiver when it's 80 degrees].


Trips to the Coast, last summer my grandma and I took an impromptu trip to seaside and then ventured down to Tillamook for some ice cream. I love going to the coast during the summer, it's a nice little getaway from work and school and I'm in love with the ocean. 

Fresh fruit, all of my favorite fruits are only in season during the summer. There is nothing better than a bowl of fresh fruit on a hot day. Plus fruit is a very healthy snack


No school, don't get me wrong, I LOVE my school and the people that go there, but a break from the work is definitely needed every now and then. This one leads to my next favorite thing about summer

Lazy days, you know the days where you wake up, drink some coffee, have a bowl of cereal and watch your favorite shows? Those are the ones I'm talking about. I don't like being lazy all of the time because I like to feel productive but occasionally being lazy is just what the doctor prescribed.


Catching up on TV shows, during the school year I don't really watch tv because a) I don't have a TV, and b) I don't have time because of class and work and spending time with friends, so during summer I catch up on all of my favorites. Besides I hate waiting a week to see the next episode, so waiting gives me a good amount of episodes and no wait.


The clothes, I'm one of those people who hates wearing clothes [no I'm not a nudist], I would just rather not wear jeans. That being said I do still love wearing sweaters and boots in the winter. Summer just gives me an excuse to wear minimal clothing.


The 4th of July, the fireworks, the barbecues, the sun, the lazy feel of the day, the celebrations. Seriously what's not to love about the 4th of July?

♥  Honorable mentions ♥ 
♥ iced coffee♥ road trips♥ longs nights♥ no need for makeup♥ seeing my family♥ summer jobs♥ summer discounts at my favorite stores♥ the colors♥ summer shows♥ reading all day♥ lack of responsibilities♥ the drinks♥ the concerts♥ netflix
♥  E
Photo Credit: Tumblr, Google, WeHeartIt

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: part II

Last year I gave a highlights of my freshman year in college (here).

This year I figured I'd do it again and keep the tradition alive. So without further ado:

  • Meeting amazing new friends
  • Living on an AWESOME floor
  • Saturday Night ;)
  • Getting a job at the Preschool
  • My birthday
  • All of the random trips downtown and to Medford
  • Realizing it's time to move on from those people I thought were my friends
  • Movie nights
  • C and G singing Pitch Perfect songs to me to make me feel better
  • Having a mega bed and a room to myself all year
  • Getting a new piercing 
  • Playing kings cup on my dorm floor
  • Having friends with the same majors as me [makes class much more fun]
  • Finding great roommates for this coming year
  • Seeing the Great Gatsby with Burrito and his brother
  • Throwing eggs off the balcony for absolutely no reason
  • Spending my last Saturday in Ashland with C in bookstores, antique shops and getting Dutch
  • All of the moments that were tweet-worthy, insta-worthy, or memorable in any way

  • Burrito leaving school
  • Being bored and alone for Thanksgiving break
  • The frustration accompanied by Operation: Thunder Cats
  • Party problems
  • Having to come back to Beaverton for the summer
  • Finals week [but when is it not, am I right?]

  • K #2 and her Instagram selfies (especially her mug shot hahaha)
  • K #1 and her outfit choices [Insert scared face emoji here]
  • The night I spent on the bathroom floor....
  • Playing kings cup on my dorm floor
  • Packing while half naked and tipsy [long story... haha]
  • Crying after everyone left for summer break

I tried to think of more things to put on my lists but I couldn't think of anything else. I think the fact that my good list is longer than both the bad and ugly put together proves that this year was a very good one. I have met some of the most amazing people who made my second year of college one of the most spectacular years of my entire education career. 
I have also come to realize over this past year that I am a very blessed and lucky girl to have the friends and the opportunity to attend a University that is fantastic. 

Thanks for listening to my rambles, and stay tuned because I have some great ideas for the future

♥  E

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Summer 2013, thus far, and apologies

Again I abandoned ship... I didn't mean to, but when you go to college and have a bad memory like I do, it's easy to forget. I'm really going to try to blog more often.

Anyway I thought I would slightly update you on my life since summer started, and tomorrow or the next day I will do an overview of my second year at SOU.

I have been in Beaverton for a little over a month (with 72 days until I go back) and I can't really complain. I have been working because I'm trying buy a car before I leave for Ashland, but I'm definitely not complaining because I've been babysitting and it reminds me of work on campus (I work at the preschool).

Along with working, I've been just hanging out, watching Netflix and just enjoying summer. It's been really hot here lately, and I don't mind the heat outside, but we live on the top floor of an apartment building so inside is usually a million times as hot as outside.

I honestly can't wait to go back to Ashland though, because I miss everyone sooooo badly. The only thing that sucks is that Burrito isn't coming back this year.That's really the only thing that I don't like, I miss seeing my best friend everyday and doing random things with him. But I guess it makes it even more special when he comes and visits.

I'll have the update from my second year up tomorrow.

Until then,
♥  E
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