On a positive note I have been reading some helpful college prep blogs and sites. I feel a bit childish saying that because I remember doing that same thing when I was going into high school (so glad those days are over), but I just want to be SUPER prepared. Although I think I'll still be unprepared... Oh well. At least I have a few tips and tricks on how to survive, what to bring, how not to dress, and all the other essential things for Freshman year. I think I am a little too excited for college, I mean I was definitely never this excited for high school, but I guess it's all a part of growing up.
11.5 hours later....
I'm happy to say that I am well rested and ready for anything. Unfortunately I just got an email saying what room I'm in this year, and I am not happy at all. I don't want to complain but I didn't even sign up for that complex or hall! Hopefully it all gets sorted out soon.
Besides this little fact I cannot stop thinking about college and all the fun things leading up to it. Planning my trip down there, getting rid of things, buying new things, meeting new people, seeing a new city and all the new adventures. The only downside I can think of is packing, ick, there's nothing more that I hate than packing. But it'll lead to fun and happiness, so I'll get over it.
Time to go create even more lists and word processor documents that all say the same thing in a different way :)
Too excited for college
♥ E
Photo credit: WeHeartIt
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