It's my best friend's 19th birthday so I figured I'd make a post all about him.
Happy 19th birthday little duck!
Let's start with a list, shall we?
19 thing I LOVE about my best friend (in no particular order):
1. He can literally always make me laugh, even if he just stares at me. Never fails to crack me up
2. He's one of the nicest guy ever (even if I call him an ass/he's mean to me)
3. We have had some INSANE times together, aka he's tons of fun
4. We've lost a lot of friends, but no matter what happens we're always best friends in the end
5. His incredibly weird dancing
6. The way he gets me addicted to things (TV shows, Tumblr, music)
7. The way he's always there for me
8. His dirty sense of humor (the clean one too, I guess)
9. His random seductive faces/poses (HILARIOUS and strange)
10. How we can have fun without even really doing anything
11. When he's shwasted :)
12. His hugs (especially after we haven't seen each other in forever)
13. The faces that we make at each other for no reason
14. His HORRIBLE Spanish accent
15. When he walks me downstairs and we sit in the lobby talking forever
16. Our "fights" (including the yelling, name calling, chasing and throwing of things)
17. How SUPER creepy he is sometimes
18. The strange things that happen in his room
19. How he occasionally reads my mind (kinda freaky but cool)
Honorable mentions:
*His Big Ang voice *The way he used to play with my hair *His "angry" face/when he gets mad *The way I can be myself around him *When he quotes random things *The way he used to fall asleep at the most random times *When he tells me he loves me *How random we are together *how people think we're related (including my actual family) *How he puts up with my insanity * The way we ran from people *His liar face *How he tries to pretend I don't know him *The WEIRD noises he makes randomly *How he struggles to do simple tasks occasionally *
The thing I love the most is that we've only known each other a little over a year, but it feels like we've been friends for ages. He is the greatest best friend anyone could ever ask for and I am truly thankful that I get the honor to call him best friend.
Most of my memories from last year involve my Burrito and those are some of the greatest memories I have ever had. I honestly don't know what I would do without him. He's a pain in the ass sometimes (like when he takes everything out of my backpack and throws it on my bed) but he's my pain in the ass, and I wouldn't change anything about him.
To sum this all up I wouldn't trade this kid for the world. He's my best friend, no one could EVER replace him.
Through thick and thin you have always been there for me and I can never truly express how grateful I am for that.
I feel I don't say it enough, but I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE you Burrito and I hope you have the best 19th birthday ever.
P.S hope you're ready for one INSANE birthday celebration ;) Party party party
♥ E